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Talent Management

#Fair Employment #Employment of the Vulnerable #Expand Employment #Organization Assessment #Diversity #eTown Hall #Training #Work&Life balance #Benefits #Family-Friendly Enterprise

Fair Employment & Training

AfreecaTV places great importance on the work-life balance of its employees and has implemented a flexible work system. Furthermore, we provide various educational programs, conferences, and exchange programs to promote personal growth and contribute to AfreecaTV’s development. Efforts are made to maximize the capabilities of employees. As a result, we receive high recognition not only within the workplace but also externally, and as a leading company, we spare no effort in providing support for continuous growth and development.

Multiple Recruitment Methods

AfreecaTV is dedicated to attracting talent through various efforts. We conduct public recruitment once a year, continuous recruitment, and special recruitment as needed, employing differentiated approaches in talent acquisition. In the appli- cation process, we do not require applicants to disclose the names of their schools and academic records. Instead, we allow a free-form content and photo attachments, allowing a comprehensive evaluation of applicants' diverse experiences and capabilities. Since 2020, we have introduced a personality assessment to emphasize the importance of applicants' character and values. Based on this assessment, AfreecaTV conducts blind interviews, prioritizing applicants' job-related abilities and growth potential over their credentials. Furthermore, the Human Resources team actively focuses on the development of human resources by operating an educational system and offering various training programs that all employees can participate in.

Recruitment Process

AfreecaTV operates a systematic talent recruitment program to discover individuals with excellent capabilities and potential. In the recruitment process, we minimize personal information such as educational background or place of origin and focus more on competency-based personality assessments and conducting blind interviews to ensure fairness and transparency. Moreover, we respect diversity in terms of race, gender, and nationality, making every effort to provide equal opportunities to all applicants. Through these efforts, we secure outstanding talents and creates an environment where they can fully utilize their abilities at AfreecaTV.

AfreecaTV's Recruitment Process
  • STEP 01


  • STEP 02

    Application screening

  • STEP 03

    1st interview

  • STEP 04

    2nd interview

  • STEP 05

    Final decision

Employment of the Vulnerable

AfreecaTV aims to prevent human rights violations and prioritize social impact over profit-seeking in its talent recruitment process. We ensure equal opportunities for all applicants by eliminating discrimination based on gender, age, race, disability, religion, and other factors. Through blind recruitment practices that do not consider academic qualifications or grades, we strive to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds, including women, people with disabilities, and high school graduates. Notably, in 2022, AfreecaTV hired 50 women and 8 individuals with disabilities, further contributing to job creation based on diversity by providing fair and transparent employment opportunities.

Efforts to expand employment opportunities

AfreecaTV is actively contributing to job creation by expanding its hiring every year. Based on a passion for and deep understanding of AfreecaTV services, we recruit outstanding talents who can work closely with users. Despite the impact of both domestic and international issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to expand its hiring efforts. In 2022, the number of regular employees at AfreecaTV's headquarters increased by 12.2% compared to the previous year, reaching 645 employees from 575.

2022 Award for Job Creation

Onboarding Training

AfreecaTV is dedicated to ensuring the early adaptation and enhanced organizational engagement of its new employees. For this purpose, various on- and offline education programs are implemented, starting from a comprehensive introduction to the company. These programs cover topics such as our vision and business introduction, HR and welfare systems, specialized job training, strengthening basic job competencies, Onboarding Program, and mentoring education. Through these educational initiatives, the company aims to enhance overall understanding of the company, including its business portfolio and future growth strategies, as well as improve diverse job skills to support early adaptation and increased organizational engagement.

Training programs

Job Skill Training

AfreecaTV is implementing various programs to enhance the capabilities of its employees, including both common competency reinforcement education and individual external education support programs.The common competency reinforcement education program is conducted for AfreecaTV and our affiliate companies' employees through lectures and group discussions. The education selection process is divided based on job positions, providing assistance to employees in choosing appropriate courses while allowing free application regardless of rank. In addition, various programs such as intercommunication, employee development, and special lectures will be held as per employees' needs. The individual external education support program is offered to all employees, where they can apply for the desired education. Upon reviewing the team's education application, we provide financial support for the education expenses. Furthermore, we support each employee's reading activities by providing one book per month, which aligns with a learning plan designed by professional instructors. This distance learning program covers various topics such as leadership, economics, marketing, and other high-quality educational content.

Online training

Work-Life Balance

In the rapidly changing business environment, maintaining a competitive edge and achieving sustained growth for AfreecaTV requires fostering a healthy organizational culture and enhancing employee satisfaction. To achieve this, we are proactively establishing systems that enable employees to balance their personal and professional lives, creating an environment where they can contribute to the organization and society.

Employee-Centric Benefits

AfreecaTV is committed to attracting outstanding talents and supporting a healthy and stable lifestyle through various welfare programs, aiming to increase employee engagement and satisfaction. To maintain a healthy work culture, ongoing efforts are made to improve the working environment. We prioritize the well-being of its employees by partnering with large hospitals to conduct health check- ups and providing support for medical expenses. In addition, a systematic stress management program, including psychological counseling, is offered. We also implement family-friendly policies such as parental leave and flexible working hours to support employees in balancing work and family life. Moreover, retirement preparation is facilitated through pension and retirement payment support. Various financial assistance, such as insurance coverage and condolence payments, is provided to ensure employees' stable financial foundation. With employee-centric welfare programs, we have established itself as one of the most sought-after companies in the industry. We will continue to prioritize employee welfare and strive to provide diverse welfare benefits that will enhance employee satisfaction and contribute to a growing corporate culture.

  • Company benefit

    • Company cafe
    • Company daycare
    • Workation
    • Training program
  • Health support

    • Medical check-up support
    • GPAI
    • Flu shots
    • Counselling program
    • Infertility leave
    • COVID-19 vaccine leave
  • Monetary support

    • Family event
    • Benefit points
    • Holiday points
    • Stock option
    • Profit sharing
    • Refreshment leave
    • Award for 10 consecutive work years
    • Personal development support
    • Club activities
    • Workshop
    • Car pool
  • Others

    • Resort system
    • Shuttles
    • Flextime
Category Benefit Description
Health support Medical check-up support Medical check-up for employees aged 30 or over and one other family member
GPAI Group personal accident insurance for employees
Flu shots Flu shot for employees every year
Counselling program Counselling by mental health professionals
Infertility leave More days of leave than the legally required length
COVID-19 vaccine leave Two days of leave in case of side effects
Company cafe Company cafe "Hubang" for employees' rest, communication, breakfast, free snacks and drinks
Company daycare Daycare center at the Pangyo headquarters to relieve burdens of childrearing
Workation Short-term system that allows employees to work at a vacation site, not home or workplace
Training program Afreeclass (online training website) and other training programs in and outside the company
Family event Support in case of a childbirth, death, children's first birthday or the birthday of employees or their parents
Benefit points KRW 1.4 million per year for various uses, including education, medical purposes, hobbies, etc.
Holiday points KRW 300,000 per year (150,000 twice a year) that can be used around statutory holidays
Stock Option Long-term renumeration policy to foster and retain key talent
Profit Sharing Incentives provided to employees with outstanding performance based on fair evaluation to share the company’s profits with employees
Refreshment leave 5 days of leave and vacation expenses every 3 consecutive working years to motivate and allow employees to recharge their energy
Award for 10 consecutive work years 37.5g of gold and 10 days of paid vacation to employees who have worked for 10 consecutive years
Personal development support Support for personal development expenses given to people in charge
Club activities Expense provided for employees with the same hobby to grow closer and refresh their energy
Workshop Increasing opportunities for teams to become closer and unite to facilitate work
Car pool Gas expense provided for employees who live 10+km away from the company to car-pool upon application
Others Resort system Partner resorts and various benefits
Shuttles Shuttles for commute between Pangyo Station and the company building
Flextime Flextime system in recognition of work flexibility and work-life balance

Family-Friendly Enterprise

AfreecaTV was certified as a family-friendly company by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in 2020. To encourage childbirth and support employees, we provide a congratulatory payment of 300,000 KRW for the first child, 2 million KRW for the second child, and 3 million KRW for the third child. A family-friendly culture is fostered, allowing employees to freely utilize parental leave and return to work after their leave. Special paid leave is also granted to male employees to spend time with their families. In addition, we show appreciation to its employees' parents by sending them gifts on their birthdays. Through these initiatives, AfreecaTV continuously strives to create a harmonious work environment where employees can balance their family life and work comfortably.

Family-Friendly Certificate

Retirement Pension

AfreecaTV implements a retirement pension system to contribute to the stable life and retirement preparation of its employees. Among the various retirement pension systems, we operate a Defined Contribution (DC) pension plan. In the DC pension system, the retirement benefits are not predetermined, and we make annual contributions to the retirement fund on behalf of the employees. The employees manage their own retirement assets, and the amount of retirement benefits varies based on the performance of the pension fund. This system allows employees to have more control over their retirement savings and receive retirement benefits based on the accumulated contributions and investment returns.

Retirement Benefit Contribution
(unit: KRW million)
* Consolidated severance pay

Flexible Organizational Culture

AfreecaTV has abolished the traditional bureaucratic titles and introduced a nickname system, fostering a culture of mutual respect where employees are free to work according to their capabilities and make contributions to the organization and society. At AfreecaTV, employees' individual dreams and visions are respected, and they are encouraged to pursue innovation with fresh thinking. They strive to excel in their respective fields, aiming to be the best in what they do.

Autonomous Organizational Culture

All employees at AfreecaTV actively participate in a proactive and autonomous atmosphere within the organizational culture. We encouraged to set individual goals and are provided with coaching sessions to analyze exemplary cases and areas for improvement. Furthermore, the process of achieving these goals involves identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, which are continuously monitored to enhance employees' capabilities. We have implemented a 35-hour workweek and eliminated fixed commuting hours to enable employees to focus on their future goals freely. Moreover, we provide flexibility to choose work devices based on personal preferences and work styles, fostering an efficient and adaptable organizational culture. Every employee has the opportunity to become a team leader based on their abilities, and we value and respect mutual understanding, creating a healthy organizational culture. Furthermore, AfreecaTV provides opportunities for employees to move between departments freely, enabling them to explore new opportunities and contribute to enhancing the organization's competitivenes.

Diversity of Members

AfreecaTV explicitly ensures that no discrimination occurs based on gender, age, origin, physical condition, or any other factors. We guarantee diversity among its employees. It complies with labor standards and related regulations to prevent discrimination in promotions, compensation, and salary systems based on factors other than employees' abilities and performance. During the hiring process, we focus on expanding and establishing socially equitable employment opportunities for vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, veterans, graduates of local schools, and socially disadvantaged individuals. It makes continuous efforts to provide a wide range of opportunities for contract employees to transition to regular positions, ensuring fair treatment based on their abilities without prejudice. AfreecaTV supports the qualitative and quantitative growth of female talents to achieve gender equality. Especially for nurturing female managers, we have systematized internal training and processes. As a result, the number of female employees has steadily increased in the past three years, and the proportion of female managers at team leader level or higher reached 23% in 2022, maintaining a consistent number over the past three years. The organizational culture that respects the diverse backgrounds and values of its employees contributes to achieving creative performance and innovative growth within the company. AfreecaTV will continue to respect and embrace the diversity of its employees, fostering a culture of free communication and empathy to create an inclusive and understanding environment.

  • 3-year trend of female employees
    (unit: Persons)
    * Female employees of AfreecaTV separately
  • 3-year trend of female managers
    (unit: Persons, %)
    * Female managers: team leaders and above

eTown Hall

AfreecaTV conducts a unique communication method called 'e-Town Hall' on a quarterly basis, where the CEO and all employees, including executives, come together to discuss current issues within the company and brainstorm improvement directions. This communication platform is available in various formats, such as online and offline, accessible through PC or mobile devices, creating an open space for free participation by all employees. To accommodate employees who couldn't participate in real-time, we also share links to the recorded sessions, ensuring that everyone has access to the discussions. AfreecaTV will continue to foster a flexible organizational culture, facilitating smooth communication among employees regarding our business strategies and operational directions. The e-Town Hall will serve as an opportunity for AfreecaTV to further develop and progress.

eTown hall meeting
Average viewership

Flexible Work System

AfreecaTV sought to diversify work arrangements by establishing the Work From Home Regulations in July 2022. Since then, in January 2023, we expanded and revised the remote work regulations, introducing a flexible work system that includes optional working hours outside of remote work. Among these, the optional working hours system allows employees to autonomously set their start and end times for work. To facilitate this, we streamlined the work application process, allowed weekly registration of work schedules, and simplified the procedures for making bulk changes to work schedules, all with a focus on empowering employees. With these initiatives, AfreecaTV aims to establish a work culture where individual employees can proactively balance their work and personal life.

6 rules to improve the company culture
  • Value one another

    Order clearly Respect one another and trusty that every member will fulfill their responsibility

  • Order clearly

    Order work clearly, using why, what, how and when. Discuss the process in advance.

  • Focus on work

    Focus on work during working hours based on autonomous responsibility

  • Streamline meetings & reports

    Make documents simple. Hold meetings only when necessary with necessary people.

  • Take leaves frreely

    Do not ask for the reason for the break, but encourage it

  • Work flexibly

    Evaluate work based on the quality and outcome instead of the volume

HR_ON, Company Consultation Channel

AfreecaTV operates an in-house counseling channel called 'HR_ON' to address the concerns of its employees. Through HR_ON, employees can seek assistance from designated staff members for various workplace issues such as conflicts, harassment, and other difficulties they may be facing. Moreover, the counseling service extends to personal matters, and confidentiality is strictly ensured. AfreecaTV is committed to actively listening to and resolving the grievances of its employees, making continuous efforts in multiple ways to provide support and assistance.

HR_ON grievance report channel

Organization Assessment

AfreecaTV recently conducted its first organizational assessment, aiming to measure employee satisfaction and foster a flexible organizational culture. The assessment consists of seven main aspects: organizational commitment, organizational culture, work environment, leadership, communication/collaboration, work-life balance, and self- development. It comprehensively assesses various factors such as employee job experience satisfaction, understanding of company goals, happiness, and stress levels. This organizational assessment will be conducted annually going forward, and any areas for improvement identified through the process will be addressed proactively and continuously, with efforts focused on enhancing the overall work environment and employee experience.

Organization assessment

Fair Evaluation and Compensation

AfreecaTV pursues a goal-setting and evaluation culture that is not about ranking employees, but rather aims to foster an organizational culture where employees are encouraged to work diligently. Through a two-way KPI goal-setting process, the goals align from our ultimate mission to individual employees, allowing the establishment of a culture where the company and employees grow together. The purpose is not to rank individuals through a forced ranking system, but rather to provide an intuitive display of strengths and weaknesses, successes, and areas for improvement, in order to pursue continuous growth in the future.

Goal Setting (KPI)

We set strategic objectives at the highest organizational level for its ultimate mission and the goals, levels, and situations it aims to achieve. To achieve these objectives, the heads of each department and their team members establish detailed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and action plans. Furthermore, individual goals are set for each employee to drive their personal growth and development. This approach is not only for our benefit but also to foster a KPI-setting process that promotes individual growth and advancement. By implementing a two-way goal-setting process, we align its objectives and encourage a proactive approach in setting challenging KPIs. Through continuous feedback and a reward system, we promote a goal-setting culture that emphasizes focus and encourages employees to concentrate on their objectives.

Personal Assessment

We follow a performance evaluation system based on the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by each individual. This approach ensures fairness in evaluations by considering the execution results and efforts put forth. We adhere to an absolute evaluation method, which excludes any unfairness or external factors that may lead to dissatisfaction with the evaluation process. The evaluation results are linked to promotions and rewards to provide tangible motivation. Furthermore, the system encourages future-oriented feedback, fostering a positive work environment where employees can find enjoyment in their tasks.

360° Leadership Assessment

Managers undergo a 360-degree evaluation process, where they receive periodic feedback on their leadership competencies from superiors, colleagues, and team members. The evaluation covers a total of 10 categories, including organizational competency development, motivation, learning and research, human relations, operations and management, ethics/ fairness, problem-solving/innovation, communication, decision-making, and attitude. The 360-degree evaluation is not aimed at ranking individuals based on the results but rather at identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Honest feedback helps foster self-reflection, and targeted training is provided to address relative weaknesses. The ultimate goal of this process is to enhance the common leadership competencies and elevate them to a higher level.

AfreecaTV's Core Mission & Vision & Goal
Strategic goals by organization Individual goals
Missions and targets for each organizational unit in order to achieve the company's top level goals Missions and targets for professional development and organizational growth in addition to strategic goals

Contents List

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